bet365中文’ World bet365中文 was founded in 1991 as a K-5 private elementary school by owner, Paula Gonzalez. Ms. Gonzalez previously had experience caring for children in her private family daycare, which she opened in 1986 and still operates to this day. By the following year after the school’s opening, the student body had doubled. The purpose of bet365中文’ World bet365中文 had been established and was and continues to be:

To have a school which not only provides a safe, family-like environment, but also allows a child to thrive while not getting left behind in his or her studies.

With the experience she had previously gained in running her own family daycare, Paula became very aware early on that some children needed more attention than others. With this in mind, she expanded the school’s curriculum and developed a full K-12 program with additional materials in order to meet each child’s needs. Included in the delivery of our curriculum is the necessary amount of one-on-one personal attention that each student receives, ensuring success with his or her education.

At bet365中文’ World bet365中文 we do not only use the standard group instruction method that public schools follow. Instead, each student studies at their own pace and also receives help from a teacher on an individual basis. With this approach we ensure that your child receives a quality, carefully supervised education that will help them to learn with greater comprehension and retention.

In 2007, the school expanded and moved to a larger facility and added the Cornerstone Academy, which now delivers middle and high school.

Through the years since 1991, the school has formed a well-rounded curriculum, which includes art, music, dance, culinary arts and an expanded science program that encompasses biology, physics and chemistry classes.