Our school curriculum has been built upon and improved for over 28 years. 我们确保所有的学生接受高质量的教育使用的学习技术,先生. L Ron Hubbard. 儿童世界学校和基石学院是应用教育协会的一所学校, meaning that the teaching methods of Mr. Hubbard are employed.


Our school program includes:

If you are interested in enrolling your child, please visit our admissions page, or request more information using our contact form or call us at (323) 663-4703.

Our Arts Department

Fine Arts

在我们的日常生活中,我们周围有如此多的艺术形式,以至于我们觉得没有艺术,孩子的教育就不完整. Thus, it is an important part of our curriculum.

我们的美术课程从幼儿园开始,一直延伸到12年级. We start with the basics of fine motor skills, shapes and colors, and move through developing those skills, adding a wide selection of techniques, form, quality of work and art appreciation. 通过各种媒介和工艺,个人表达以最具创造性的形式发展.


Music & Dance Program

The music program starts at an early age, 学生首先在哪里学习初级水平的音乐概念,并介绍各种各样的乐器和古典作品. As students progress in the program, they learn basics in music, such as harmonies, tempo, rhythm and beat. In addition to the above, 学生如有兴趣,可与我们两位有成就的音乐老师进行额外的私人钢琴或鼓课程.

As students enter into middle and high school, they have a chance to join the Cornerstone Choir, where more advanced levels of music theory, composition, song writing and singing take place. 鼓励学生定期参加才艺表演和独奏会, putting their hard-earned musical talents to work in front of an audience.

The dance program is for students of all ages. 它开始于粗大运动技能和身体协调,同时移动的节拍. 向小学生介绍爵士、嘻哈、流行和戏剧舞蹈. 初高中学生被教授在舞蹈团工作的基本知识, 一整年都在努力学习舞蹈套路,为年底的演出做准备.

在学年结束时,所有年龄段的学生都会将上述节目合并成一个戏剧作品. 通过这个戏剧制作,学生们能够把他们新获得的技能工作,创造一个独一无二的节目.

Study Technology

学习技术是教师使用的一种工具,家长可以学习它来帮助他们的孩子在学校取得成功, at home and in life. It helps students  to improve their own learning rate. 学习技术背后的基本原则是教学生如何学习以及如何有效地学习, 以便能够在他们现在和以后的生活中使用和应用他们所学的知识.

American writer and educator L. 罗恩·哈伯德认识到学习的陷阱,并指出了阻止学生理解的三个基本障碍. 为了克服这些障碍,确保学生能真正学以致用, he developed a precise and simple set of tools he called Study Technology. With them, 当学生在理解他们正在学习的东西时遇到困难时,他们学会了识别这些障碍的迹象, most importantly, what to do about them. Study Technology makes students more independent and eager to learn.

bet365中文’ World bet365中文 Inc. 是否被授权使用应用教育协会™的教育服务和材料, which are based on the works of Mr. Hubbard.

Repair of Past Education

Sadly, with current educational systems being what they are, 许多学生由于这样或那样的原因掉进了漏洞,迷失在系统中. These students don’t really understanding what they are learning. 也许没有解释清楚,也许他们生病了,所以错过了那天的学校,等等.

In any case, 在进入下一个课程之前,他们并没有完全掌握课程的某一点. To compound the situation, 老师们已经被大量的学生压垮了,他们根本没有时间坐下来整理每一个学生. 可悲的是,这些学生被转移到下一个年级,即使他们在教育上有差距. When this happens, 差距和困惑堆积起来,孩子们接受的教育水平越来越高, while still not understanding the basics.

在儿童世界学校,我们的课程是一个个性化的、自定进度的课程. 每个学生都有时间和精力来完成他们课程的每个部分. When a student who is behind or having difficulty comes to us, 在让他们继续前进之前,我们会花时间理清他们的困惑,理解他们的研究. In this way, 学生恢复了对学习的兴趣和热情,开始真正享受上学的乐趣!



bet365中文 ' World bet365中文和Cornerstone Academy,我们相信体育运动在每个孩子的发展中都扮演着重要的角色.

Our Athletics and PE program is two pronged, 首先专注于身体健康,设计一个循环训练锻炼计划,帮助孩子达到他们的身体健康目标. 这个项目是根据孩子的年龄和能力按比例进行的. For younger students in kindergarten and first grade, 该计划被修改以发展粗大(身体)运动技能和协调能力. While, 在初中和高中课程中,循环训练由各种拉伸组成, coordination drills and workouts, 因此,鼓励孩子们提高他们的健身水平,以保持健康的身体.

Secondly, 我们专注于团体和团队运动,让孩子们在团队中发展技能, such as team coordination, good communication skills, sportsmanship, strategy, and creating and carrying out plans of action. In addition to the above, 学生们对这项运动本身有了很好的了解,并变得熟练起来.